Above & Beyond Award, 3/21
The recipient of the Sheriff’s Foundation Above & Beyond Award for March, 2021 is PBSO Agent Thomas San Filippo. Recently Agent San Filippo responded to a shoplifting call at a grocery store. The suspect, a young mother, managed to get home before Agent San Filippo was able to locate her. The woman had stolen two boxes of diapers, sippy bottles, two toy cars and a doll.
The woman explained that she was down on her luck and recently had to move in with her mother. She couldn’t afford the baby supplies so she decided to steal them. The store wanted to press charges so she had to be arrested. Once the paperwork was completed, Agent San Filippo took the stolen items back to the store, got in line, purchased everything with his own money, and brought everything back to the woman.
The young mother sent a heartfelt email to PBSO thanking Agent San Filippo and expressing her gratitude for his kindness and generosity. Thanks to this PBSO employee’s compassion and dedication, a distraught mother was assisted during her time of need. Agent Thomas San Filippo, the Sheriff’s Foundation thanks you for going Above & Beyond! |